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Trading Framework
The worth of 1 pip in EUR USD
PIP stands for “Price Interest Point” and is the last decimal place of a quote. It is mostly used in Forex trading and since Forex pairs usually have 4 decimal numbers, generally 1 pip is the change of 1 point at the 4th value of the currency pair; we could also define 1 pip as 1/100 of a cent.
So what’s the fuss about the forex market? Just like any market, forex exchange market is the place currencies are traded. I mean, currencies are very important to a larger majority of people around the world, notwithstanding whether they understand it or not
The Best Automated Trading Software is not enough
Traders have got two ways to build a portfolio of automated trading algorithms which can help in trading activities: Learning how to code an automated trading strategy or using Automated Trading Software to generate strategies without the need of improving coding skills.
How to install a MT4 EA
Algotraders need to learn from scratches. Here we show how to import an MT4 EA in Metatrader 4, a necessary skill to start with algorithmic trading
How to load data in MT5
Thanks to 4 easy steps we will show you how to load data in MT5 and import data in Metatrader 5. Data is necessary for high quality backtesting and robust trading strategies
What is quantitative trading?
What is quantitative trading and how does it work? Here we take a look at the uses of quantitative trading strategies, their pros and cons and what are the tools that a quantitative trader needs to posses.
MT4 vs MT5 - A comparison
A quick comparison of the two most popular trading platforms, MT4 vs MT5. Find out which platform is best for you, what are the advantages that they offer, and what new features are included in MT5.
Top day trading strategies
What is day trading and what are the most commonly used day trading strategies? Here we will take a look at the rules of day trading and describe some of the most popular day trading strategies.
Using Expert Advisors for Trade Management
Explaining the importance of having a well developed trade management plan and the advantages that automation has over manually managing trades.
How to backtest an Expert Advisor in Metatrader
Many traders are asking us how to start with backtesting. That’s why we decided to write a quick guide to help you all get started, explaining how to backtest an Expert Advisor in Metatrader 4 through a quick how-to on using the Strategy Tester